2023 Episode 6: Amy Jordan

Magical Menagerie: An Exploration of the Importance of the Relationship between the West and its Fantastic Creatures through Art

This episode features a conversation with Amy Jordan, a final year undergraduate student on the BA (Hons) Artist Designer Maker course at Cardiff School of Art & Design, about their final year research which explores the importance of Fantastic Creatures in Art.

In conversation with Amy are CSAD’s Deputy Dean, Dr Martyn Woodward, and Senior Lecturer in Illustration, Amelia Huw-Morgan

Os hoffech ddysgu rhagor am rai o’r syniadau a drafodwyd yn y bennod hon, efallai y gwelwch fod yr adnoddau canlynol yn ddiddorol:

  • Lise Gotfredsen’s The Unicorn
  • Daniel Ogden’s The Dragon in the West
  • Boria Sax’s Imaginary Animals: The Monstrous, the Wondrous and the Human
  • Jack Zipes’s Breaking the Magic Spell
  • Art Matters Podcast: Mermaids and Mythical Creatures in Art and the Queer Community or the accompanying article

Cerddoriaeth thema podlediad gan Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here

Gadael Ymateb

Ni fydd eich cyfeiriad e-bost yn cael ei gyhoeddi. Mae'r meysydd gofynnol yn cael eu marcio *